Fredo Cumia rockin with his band BOC.

120  2019-08-16 by GloryHolejoeH


is that opie on guitar watching joe take credit for all his hard work again?..

Sir, Opie only plays air guitar and he is one of the best.

Air keyboard *

hand to neck, cut sign

His tit resting on that Chibson will never not be funny.

Its a chinky-dink 2006, custom made for joe by the spit and tears of the smallest Chinese sweatshop babies

Some Rude Gus threw Joe's own bra at him

Blue Oyster Cucks

busy. lol no effect on their lives

"Full service"

A giant B for the logo? I can only imagine how long he agonized over that decision. Stupid Lazy faggot.

All our times have cum...

This Ain't the Summer of Cud

Brother of Cumia

chinky dink

I used to have a Chinky Dink Fellatio in reststop red with a mandingo ebony fretboard. It got me so comp'd I couldn't sit down for a week.

Cuck Dharma.