"Well, from ’95 to ’98, my brother was on WAAF. So, I was on the welfare. And in '98 to '04, my brother was on WNEW. So, I was on the welfare. And then the 2000s, he was on XM. So, I was on the welfare. Moo."

98  2019-08-24 by wbgreen


It was really sad when Hank overlooked Dawn to hire Artie in that episode.

Hank should have layed the pipe in that Mexican chick. Fuck Peggy she sucks.

Hank could have had Debbie. Nigga gay

Propane & propane accessories you say? I deal in child spit & child spit accessories, for sexual reasons.

I may be more of a lurker, but this is one of my favorite posts from any OnA subs and I feel compelled to show my gratitude.

Eat a dick, Joe.

Looks like Ira

"Today in Arlen it'll be..... Niiiiindee degreeeeees"

“Cleeeeeeear skiiiiiiiies..... with a chance of bovine teeeeeeeaaars.”