Anthony was tweeting at 5:52am EDT

78  2019-08-24 by Wolosocu

He probably woke up around 5:30am to get an early start on the day. He hit the pavement by 6am and finished his daily 10k run around 6:45am. Once he got back home he probably made himself a healthy breakfast, perhaps a kale and yogurt smoothie to wash it down, and now he's studying for the GED while browsing college courses. He probably won't tweet again until around 3pm when he's long overdue for a break from all the hard work he's putting into bettering himself.

I applaud your efforts to be a better person, Anth!


Hold on, let’s not exaggerate the story by saying he’d study for a GED test.

5:52am EDT happens when this comment is 18 hours and 54 minutes old.

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Management has some kind of problem with the bots brotherman.

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Bad bot.

Bad bot

You’re gayer than that faggot nigger bot that teases people when they say ‘faggot’ or ‘nigger.’


He's tweeting from obscurity

Its a "parody" account


Hi Colleen, still doing cocain for days with Brad Pitt and Mike Tyson?

How else would his tens of fans get their daily dose of political and social commentary?

"Niggers bad"


Don't forget the joy he brings to his neighborhood

Getting up to go for a run is how I saw the Ant v Dani "where the fuck is my gun" video live.

Wonderful days

It’s a wonder he’s not a big chubby fat fuck like Jimmy with all that beer he drinks. He must be polishing off 24 cans every few nights, along with a few bottles of wine. I guess he probably barely eats food, like Lady Di.

I wonder if Jimmy is secretly annoyed that Anthony drinks 8,000 calories a day and remains somewhat slim, while Jimmy is a teetotaler who eats a few mouthfuls of lettuce and yet is a complete fat fucking overweight wreck. Jimmy looks like a pregnant gopher with that big cheeseburger gut of his.


Haven't you seen a picture of Anthony in the last few years? He's a bloated, sickly looking fuck. You're probably right in that he's one of those late stage alcoholics who just doesn't bother with food anymore. If he ate a couple of square meals a day and drank real beer, rather than that "Lite" shit, he'd be Falstaffian though. As it is, he just looks like he's slowly dying of alcohol abuse, a la Lady Di.

It's probably more like Lady Di, he would wake up early to get a few good beers in before anyone else arrived.

After “a few” lady DI would get railed by bums, antH by trannies

There's a difference?!

Just about the time the kiddies are risin for school.

the extra bone in 🐜 h’s foot helps him get below that 7:30/mile pace


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