REMINDER: Social media obsessed senior citizen Anthony Cumia prowled some random teenage girl's vine with nefarious intent.

83  2019-08-22 by AmberBeard


She indisputably looks like a child.

He should be flayed alive.

That picture of a child being posted here could be the beginning of the end for this sub as well. Sick and twisted stuff the Cum brothers are into.

WHAT?! You're saying you've never liked a 13 year old's picture and payed for her wish-list just because she was cute? I help EVERYONE 8 to 80 (except my mom) *nervous sweating*

manic thumb twitching

This information belongs on his twitter feed.

The public needs to be made aware.

There hasn't been general public on Ant's twitter for years. Maybe a few curious guys after like a Rogan appearance, but no one new, really.

All Ant has left are casual observers who follow him just because of his stock "owning the libs" opinions and the people who are totally fine with the monster he is. You could show Steve and Fred live footage of Ant mouthraping a 1-year-old and they'd keep their mouths shut if it jeopardized their seat at the legendary poker table, assuming they didn't start jerking off to the footage.

100% serious question, because I honestly can’t tell: is that picture of Ant on the right photoshopped?

If, he’s Elephant Man tier ugly.

He was also following that little girl from Game of Thrones and liking every Vine she posted. She was only 12 or 13 at the time. That's all he used Vine for was creeping very young teens and tweens.


She belongs in the big book of british smiles

Christ, that's disgusting

How Can a self-proclaimed pedo have a twitter account? “Shut it down”