The Cumia Prance

89  2019-09-10 by varamyr6skin


AntH wearing only one shirt is funny enough, but especially so since it's the button-down. Which means he removed the Rockstar tee and put the button down back on.

Same goes for the shoes.

His stirring rendition of The Cumia Prance, his people's traditional dance, is the only time Anth is ever truly happy.

Bowling for BeGay

This is what the lowest circle of hell looks like

This is the one that really captures the feeling one gets while watching Nana hosting his queer podcast. I'd love to see one where he's anxiously hugging himself and picking at his second shirt when he's all nervous and doesn't know what to say.

Someone more talented than me should write lyrics for The Cumia Prance and record it to the tune of The Monster Mash.

He's so overcome with delight to be up there with the muscle boys.

Prance Prance, do the Nana Prance!

Do the Nana Prance!

Prance Prance, do the Nana Prance!

Do the Nana Prance!