People who use the word "Nazis" to describe people online are anti-Semitic

1  2019-09-20 by EasilyForgotten1138

People like Patso are minimizing what the Jewish people went through during the Holocaust.

They are basically saying that, "The inconvenience of someone disagreeing with me online is equal to what the Jewish people suffered during WW2".

Please feel free to remind Fatty Patty and others of this whenever they use the word "Nazi". Thank you.


Professional victims like Pat would say, "No, my psychological and emotional suffering is as bad as the Jews' suffering!"

They really believe this to be the case.

"Fuck those whiny kikes, child, how many of them had their daughters ripped away by an uncaring monster who tells herself a lie to this day. Those filthy heebs need to abnegate."

This is true but will never get through Patso's thick fucking skull. He literally compared himself getting called a faggot to a dude who was killed while being swatted. He is absolutely delusional.

They are basically saying that, "The inconvenience of someone disagreeing with me online is equal to what the Jewish people suffered during WW2".

How can you compare the death of 150,000 people to mean internet comments? It's terrible!

In pat's mind being called mean names is even worse than those 75,000 deaths.

Oy vey, let's bow our heads for the 53,000 killed!

Never forget the 20,000, goy.