This is the intensity required to beat your previous time by 30 minutes. THIS is what peak performance looks like.

20  2019-09-19 by ellencakehorn


It's imaginable that these are jogging pants, but I choose to believe they are jeans. Dickless fascist.

He ran in memory of his long lost Mustang

Patty runs like a retard. This is the man that will take down the evil Nazis in the White House.

Looks like he takes down a couple of Big Mac's every night.

He runs like a fat toddler that is throwing a hissy fit because someone stole his basketball at recess. Which is basically Fatrick in a nutshell. There is sooo fucking much wrong with his stride that you can tell with just one still shot pic. Real tough guys run like that? hahahahahah fuck this guy is the biggest lolcow ever, what a faggot.

Hi, Leaveitalonesniff!

I am just stopping by to wish you a peaceful and prosperous year!


Everything here from the grimace to the gait to the little curled up fists gripping his sleeves like a six year old about to piss himself screams unathletic man-child.

Well horses are fast, and he has a Mustang sweatshirt on so obviously he must be fast.

Fucking mong

I bet this is what he looked like in High School when he ran towards the lunch line. There's no way you can convince me he wasn't one of those kids.

Wearing a wool sweater while running was a good choice.

He is internally (adduction) rotating his scapula mid-stride with both arms. The only motions you should be making is protraction and retraction with slight elevation and depression. His entire stride is wasting so much energy and so inefficient. Usain Dolt. God bless whoever came up with that name.

is there a picture or video you can give as an example, i want to see how retarded he looks