So let me get this straight, child:

27  2019-09-07 by PsychopathyRed

If Adrienne had aborted her daughter, it wouldn't have bothered you, right? Because by your own admission, being pro-choice is being pro-woman and a fetus isn't a person.

What would you say if your daughter asked you, "if I was aborted, would you have cared?"

This is the new Patrick S Tomlinson Question: can you genuinely be pro-choice if an abortion upsets you?

But then again, he gave up 99% of his visitation rights. He cares more about his fledgling career, his cat, Donald Trump and children's toys.

Not really the shining example of a guy to advocate for reproductive rights are you, child?


How dare you bring Robert Mewler into this, child!

That name aged well

Keep in mind that author Patrick S. Tomlinson is on record as saying females aren't worth as much as males. In his famous thought experiment the embryos were all potential males, which made it more a conundrum in his mind.