
75  2019-09-06 by G4YN1GG3R


Look at Joe's fingers... ET phone home.. Ya big galoop.

Useful for getting his girl to squirt when the stash of TRT is low.


Is that Pat sitting to the left of Joe?

Wow he lost so much weight. Also not suprising knowing the kind of pedople Joe likes to hang out with.

Somebody save Rich Evans

That bald guy on the left of Joe has some kind of grotesque growth in the shape of a human head growing out of his neck.

That fat Jewish cocksucker is the only hardworking one there. Fred has a successful chimney/fireplace business.

Maybe he is propping up Compound Media.

Fred looks like Joe transforming into the Thing.

He looks like a bad guy from a Charles Dickens novel.

2 self-hating blacks and their faggot friends they pay to pretend they're white.

Is that a table of before pictures?

Another exciting edition of "pictures you can smell"

Every one of these men was fired from their shift manager position at McDonalds for inappropriate touching of a teenage employee.

Tranth, who is looking extra haggard here, was fired for bobbing for fries with his face. He’s a pockmarked babushka, Get it?

You need a high school diploma to make shift manager, so at least two of those guys are under qualified.

Buy a bigger table you nigger-rich fag

Could there ever be a bettee time for a carbon monoxide leak?

is this the time that fat HIV+ fagot Joe Cumia jr. stole chips from the guy next to him? Real honest man that Old Joey cum farts is.

It’s been said a million times before but I can’t believe I actually thought ant had playboy mansion lite party’s as he claimed on the radio. This shit is just depressing

Joe thinks we’re jealous and wish we had an invitation to poker night.


If jim norton wasn't a d list celebrity he would be there

His phone doesn’t get service in the basement.

No chicks allowed in the Man Cave!

*cum dungeon

Imagine the stench around that table. And Fred from Brooklyn with his club foot.

I bet he’s got a rotten tooth in that putrid mouth of his

The one with the guy holding the beer bottle up to his lips is absolutely nauseating.

That guy at the top with the "Fuck it I'm all in" shirt has a look on his face that suggests the Cumias will soon abandon him.

You can tell Nana is already black out by the way he is effeminately, coyly, peaking out from behind that other guys shoulder

How’s tattoo looks like a little puppy collar

A table where everyone a BMI of 35 or higher - in other words, extremely over-weight cock suckers.

This is the reason why I don't shit on Dawn, even if its to get at these two cunts. Shes back and forth looking after her dying mum. The pedophile and low life leech are playing poker telling people she is already dead. I look forward to karma coming towards these two.

Most men would be uncomfortable being that close to 9 other men. Most men.. About 97%

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, that table is dogshit