How in the fuck did we outlast the other sub?

47  2019-09-06 by TheRealJirnNorton

Patrick makes Joe look like a genius


Patrick is probably only filing DMCAs that are at least arguably justifiable. Joe is just literally filing them on anything and everything, including, inexplicably, his own account.

I don't know how true all that felony talk is but if half of it's true and this catches up to him, hoo boy it's gonna be the greatest.

It's clear to me now that Patrick doesn't have what it takes to stand up for himself and get a sub shut down. He's an impotent weakling compared to the big bad subreddit bully that is Joe Cumia

Yeah I too have gained a new respect for Joe. Even in the face of lifelong incarceration, he still fights for his allowance. What a guy.

Filing DMCA’s are his version of doing the dishes and taking the trash out.

Anyone can do it!

That fat faggot Thomas Apostle shut down the original sub and Fatrick just assumed it was because of him and took credit for it. I'm so glad we've had a Fatrick renaissance recently. He deserves to be trolled.

He deserves to be killed in Pokemon Blue.

I hope to one day live in a world where Joe Cumia is finally paying his debt to society while OJ is out and about with an unbanned Twitter

I think it's either because this sub is 7months old and it bought us some leeway or because someone like srp was filing dmca's 24/7 on their sub. Remember he came here and declared a fatwa on their mods.

Because we're under criminal investigation and that Fatso Pedo Fuckface who's wife I sodomized with a Gillette Transexual Razor over the phone is gathering evidence for his Nazi MKE coppers.

Can we always keep two subs as long as this DMCA takedown nonsense is going on? Also what are the other affiliated subs? I can't stand going to get my daily fix just to see it gone again.