Adrienne is my feminist hero

38  2019-09-05 by PsychopathyRed

anyone who stands up to an obese tyrant and keeps her daughter away from him is aces in my book.

I revel in your pathetic misery, Pat.


She deserves a medal and an HIV test.

And a man with 3 stacked coke cans for a cock


We have to contact her somehow. I believe that she is the keystone to bringing that untold in-between of why she actually left him from darkness to light. Fatty leaves a huge fucking gap in his testimony and is undermining our investigation, children. It has to be child porn or physical abuse.

Pretty sure someone did before and she was kinda freaked out by it

Look at it from her POV... she probably thought it was another one of Fatrick's schemes to harass and scare her. After what she's been through, let her leave the wackjob in the past.

I remember that, that was definitely too far.

Besides, he gets crazy at reddit and Twitter but the most he can do is call people child. With his pictures of guns and knives and wanting to beat women he seems fucking unhinged and knows where she lives. Best to keep her far away from all of this.

It was abuse, physically and psychologically. That poor soul. At least she's being deep dicked by a guy with a pirate ship cannon for a cock.

No she wasn't. In fact, if i recall, she was thrilled. She wanted everyone to contact her to get dirt on Patrick, record it, then post it here at r/LoganLynn

Why would you try to hurt someone who hates Pat even more than us?

Leave it alone.. sniff.

Anybody who is willing to do what's best for their child's future, even if it means becoming a divorcee at 30, is aces in my book.

Now Pat's daughter has a strong masculine role model in her life which will save her from being attracted to dead-end losers like Pat later in life.

Jonathan will not only keep her off the pole, his influence will inspire her to marry a healthy young man who will provide at least five beautiful children for her to cherish and raise with traditional values.