His second chin isn't attempting to escape his body out of shame here, that's just a little beer n brat on a very well-conditioned man's face.

37  2019-09-02 by PringlesCanJonathan


I loved when /u/ants_ccw_permit put this pic under r\GirlsWithGuns or whatever and put the caption “My out of shape sister-in-law finally learned how to shoot today!” and it got hundreds of upvotes and noone batted an eye at this being a middle aged lesbian.


He came on there bitching and they deleted his comment and banned me but couldn't bear to take down such a quality post 😂

Haha. One of my favorite Fatrick posts tbh. “She’s constantly attacked by homophobes”.

Holy fucking shit that is some funny stuff. This is an extremely fucking gay thing to say but I love every single post in that thread. You guys fucking buried that woman beating cocksucker good.

Hi, Leaveitalonesniff!

I just wanted to wish you a terrific day! Have a good one!


Bad bot

Fucking yuck. Faggoty bot!

Fuckin Joe Matarese popped up too.

i thought it was a parody account first with his stupid introduction.

Im still not sure.

That Lard of the Rings tattoo.

This was such an alpha move

Gotta say that was one of the best laughs I've ever had on Reddit Lmao! Really had to humiliate our favorite sci-fi queer

Speaking of guns. What do you think a .50 cal would do to Patrick?

Effeminate old-testament obesity demon.


He looks like a fat high school football assistant coach

More chins than Chinatown.

My second, better chin.