Fatrick's latest pictures

32  2019-09-01 by EasilyForgotten1138

In his latest pictures - perhaps most notably evident in the shirtless, healthy jugs picture - it's obvious just how much Fatty has visibly aged in the last year, especially the greying.

Given his rampant alcoholism and sedentary lifestyle (sitting on his fatass at a bar for hours on end while consuming greasy foods and trolling Reddit), one can only wonder how bad his health must be right about now.


at least as bad as his erectile function, child

He's a vengeful Old Testament sex god, child.


yahweh's into children more than poor Nikki. That's why they invest in the service of bulls. My tummy is more cream filled from the bull than Nikki's vagina after my pathetic post bull sex cunnilingus, child.

Hopefully a torturous coronary will seal the deal soon enough.

I’m going to quit drinking in the next few weeks so I can outlive this dumbass.