The Marathong Man

33  2019-08-30 by StarbuckAndCasey


Running away from his parenting responsibilities.

He does the marathon runner cosplaying just so he has an excuse to shit and piss himself in public

This was on the first half mile, notice the lack of sweat around the neck and under his tits. For my niggas that remember who had this pic as a avatar, I am glad I'm not the only one that saved this gem of a pic. We back motha fuckas we back. How is the "investigation" going dangernoodle?

Hell yeah brother. Only thing missing is Psychopathy Red's late night titty posts.

The titty posts and the morning nigger completed my day's.

Was there really cheese pizza before it was shut down?

If there was cheese pizza shit going on, it was Pat posting it.

I will motivate you, Private Pyle, if it short-dicks every cannibal on the Congo!

When he puts in a false DMCA claim, please challenge it and follow through with it. He obviously has no claim over the photo according to the watermark. If we can prove he willingly files false claims he can be barred from using the system, plus other penalties.

Imagine all the fun that would come along with that!

Hush, child.

You're mentally ill, seek professional help.

Ahh, the relaxed face of a man who trains for these fun runs by running 3 times a week. Minimum. Just look at that strong, purposeful stride!

This fucker is doing the Cumia prance in the middle of a fun run lol

Look at the position of his feet. Know how he's managing to have both feet nearly planted at the same time? Because he's shuffling down the road, not striding which is a necessary movement in order to run. As someone who's ran for years this cunt cosplaying as a runner is seriously annoying. Not it does his physique prove he isn't a runner, this photo would be admissible as evidence in court.

No fucking way this no-stride fatass ran a 2:15 half-marathon. I’m moving “course-cutting” into the confirmed column

Benches 250 btw

His slouching shoulders determine that was a lie.

The Marathon Mong

9" strides

He is speed walking

Nice stride, stupid.

At least this chubby cuck will never show up to his daughter's sports day to embarrass her.

Who has two thumbs and secretly has some fucked up thoughts about women and minorities?