It’s actually pretty simple, Pat

73  2019-08-28 by AgentOldFag

I know you think that you were “targeted” by these subs because you’re some kind of resistance fighter to whatever it is you think your resisting (clearly a diet but that’s beside the point). The thing is no one on these subs cares what you’re political denomination is because talking about politics is for real world conversations. You know those things you discuss with your friends or coworkers. Oh right...

Nothings more pathetic than some thin skinned ideologue who wants to rain on everyone’s escapism. Social media isn’t supposed to be a substitute for living your life. People that do that are usually the kind of people this sub loves to fuck with: the easily riled who live to feed trolls such as yourself.

And that’s really it. No grand battle between Milwaukee’s great white fat hope and the “Nazi incel children. “ Just a bunch of bored autists trying squeeze out a log at work messing with the fat kid who never learned to just ignore people who like to make fun of the serious types on the bus. And not for nothing this didn’t start with some grand political discourse regardless of how you want to remember things. It began because you blasphemed the King of Comedy Norm Macdonald and we took you to task for your lack of a sense of humor and you never stopped responding.


If he could just learn to shut his fat fucking mouth this would be long over. These subs have made fun of countless people and it never lasted more than a day or 2. Pat just loves kicking the hornets nest though. And he keeps losing.

I'm not losing child. You're the one who is losing, child.

I mean we’re in the exact same position as before. Better situated in fact now that we’ve scattered. Once this place is gone just google the relevant words + Reddit. In Pat’s mind once you affect someone’s online presence that somehow has anything to do with their real lives. That’s because his existence begins and ends on Facebook and Twitter.

Seriously even a man-child like Logan with all of his victim game playing knew to eventually just walk away. And then as no surprise once he stopped being fun to play with everyone forgot about him right away.

He thinks when subs go down that we're as devastated as he was when his Twitter got suspended.

But that would imply he’s a pathetic faggot!

wish i could be a fly on the wall as he reads this on a sub named after him

So he’s supposed to just ignore it? Nope! When evil is out there it’s up to the heroes of the world to defeat evil and teach a lesson that hatred, bigotry, sexism and the like WILL NOT STAND!!! You’re under investigation by the Milwaukee police, the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, IRS as well as the NHTSA for your bullying so I suggest you stop before it’s too late.

You need to "and joe"

He insists that he ignored the sub "for months," which is 100% a lie. He was constantly posting screenshots of our posts on IG, updating people on Facebook, writing excessively long blog posts and confronting us directly on the sub.

It's amazing that he refuses to acknowledge that he supplied us with a steady stream of new content over this whole period. He's a bigger contributor to this sub than any individual poster.

He knows he's a lolcow. It's all just fiction he spins for his hens.

Can we get this fat cuck on KIWI FARMS?

He also tried to abort his unborn child by drunkenly beating his ex wife while she was pregnant. So I’ve heard. Not trying to start any rumors.

I just heard the rumors😱

It’s not a rumor if it’s true.

Is kiwi farms aware of fat pat yet?

Mah nigga

There is literally no difference between someone obsessed with politics and someone obsessed with a sports team on the internet. You just waste all this time sharing your opinion like it's going to matter in the slightest. Like your team's general manager or state's governor is going to be perusing your twitter, go that's actually a great idea and change shit.

And the worst part is, because you isolate yourselves in these little groupings, you constantly receive validation. HEY YANKEE FANS FUCK THE RED SOX AM I RIGHT? HEY THIS GUY GETS IT! You're just in a cult where obedience to the cult is rewarded. Try going against the narrative and having an independent thought. BAD! WRONG!

But Fatso has got the receipts. He’s one of those not so jolly fat fucks who likes to shove his ideology down your throat whether he knows what he’s saying or not.

Whatever happened to the FBI case against us? I've been wearing a different disguise every day to try to fool the armored swap team that's coming for me

I chopped an inch off of my dick and I changed my ringtone to Meet The Mets. Don't tell me this identity theft has all been for naught.

Just change your name to Hugh Bond.

It began because you blasphemed the King of Comedy Norm Macdonald

It wasn't even that.

It's like those protestors screaming abuse at the westboro baptist church. They feel courageous & morally superior in the safety of a crowd. You can see they get off on being bullies, yet they expect to be treated like good people.

He’s so much like the people he looks down on. It’s like Nana ranting about crime statistics. It’s all such obvious projection.

I'm 100% convinced that if he were in Germany when Hitler rose to power that he wouldve joined the Nazi Party. Not kidding.

What kind of monster doesn't like Norm McDonald anyway

He's adorable

And as he commanded us : Keep making fun of that fat loser ! And so we shall.