A masterpiece

87  2019-08-27 by SibHashian13



Fuck off with this Cumia meme bullshit. Go make your own faggot sub. This faggot sub is for laughing at Fatty.

Nah. I’ll post what I want. Also, I’ve been posting on this sub since you were in diapers. You don’t tell me what this sub is for.


I unsubbed from that trainwreck of a sub to get away from asinine circle jerk posts like this. So this is just the tip of the iceberg for Cumia reposts as far as this sub is concerned?

Then you are in the wrong subreddit sir. This sub is dedicated to clapping back at the notorious white supremacist Logan Lynn.

Unsub again then resub by stepping on some tracks

Roald Dahl style, I like it.

Where The Radio Career Ends

Fucking Grandpa Munster looking son of a bitch