Just a recap of the last 12 hours (Warning: INTENSE winning)

1  2019-10-03 by PoliticsAlt25

  1. Patrick's Reddit account has been permanently suspended

  2. The Milwaukee Brewers, Patrick's favorite baseball team, have been eliminated

  3. He received a 12-hour Twitter suspension for being a misogynistic piece of shit to a woman who had the wrong politics.


He's one more slip-up away from having his twitter taken away, again. How much of his better wife's money will it cost to get it back this time?

Oh he used whatever reddit contact he has on speed dial and got that account back right quick

"Hello Twitter, this is Patrick, I have literal Nazis to report"

"Patrick you can't call use multiple times a day"

"You stupid cunt woman, do as I say. I'm not afraid to hit women!"

dial tone

See we're fighting against delinquents and public nusances. We leave the normies alone.

They too over legitigous losers who spend all day at home, without real jobs, just searching their own name endlessly.